Tuesday, January 13, 2015


We arrived into Australia on the 23rd December. Australia is a large continent found in the southern hemisphere, it is on the other side of the world from England, so we are upside down when in Australia compared to being in England, this is why they call it down under, the reason it doesn't feel like we are upside down is because of gravity.
Australia was found by the famous explorer Captain James Cook In April 1770, Captain James Cook and his crew on the famous ship the endeavour became the first Europeans to reach the east coast of Australia, making landfall on the shore of what is now known as Botany Bay.
When Captain James cook and his crew arrived they found animals that they had never seen before, animals such as Kangaroos, Koala bear and Dingos (wild dogs) these animals aren't found anywhere else other than in Australia, also Australia has snakes, spiders, sharks and jelly fish that can kill you if you get bitten, don't worry as they are all very frightened of human beings except maybe the sharks. Australia is also very famous for what is called the Great Barrier Reef, the Barrier Reef is a coral reef that stretches a thousand miles just of the coast of Australia on the North East coast, it is home to thousands of verities of fish and mammals.
When Captain James Cook landed in 1770 he was met by native people called Aborigines, can you imagine what the Aborigines must have thought when they saw a great big ship arrive with white people on board, it must have been the equivalent us seeing a space ship arrive on Westward ho! beach with aliens on board.

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